Who has two thumbs and is a writer? This chick!

I am a writer. I have been writing my whole life for myself and always considered myself a writer, but I wasn’t writing more often than I was writing. But now, with a blog that actually *gasp* gets updated and a gig as a contributing writer for http://stillstandingmag.com, how could I not call myself a writer? Writers write and I am writing! Stay tuned in the next week or so for a much more detailed exposition (in the form of a guest post on another blog) of my journey to writerhood, or is it writerdom. Either way, you’ll like it. I promise.

Oh, and I have to do this: http://youareawriter.com, because Jeff Goins blog and books have been an inspiration (and also because I’m entering a contest!).



PS: I have to give props to Andi Cumbo, too, who helped me find the writer in me again by making me do actual homework–the nerve!–which got me in the habit of writing again. She also provided me with some valuable insights into my writing and taught me even more than I already knew about Creative Non-Fiction, which was quite a bit, actually!